All About Backwashing
Backwashing is essential to maintaining clear, clean, and safe pool water. This process allows for optimal performance of your DE or sand filter. Some instances you will know a backwash is needed is when there is an increase in your filter tank pressure between 8-10psi over its baseline. Typically, when the filter is dirty, pool water appears cloudy and the suction on skimmers decreases significantly. Backwashing the filter and re-addition of diatomaceous earth (a.k.a. DE) where applicable, will improve skimmer suction and system circulation which can improve water clarity with proper water balance.
The filter should capture debris and filter media. Nothing should come thru the system and return to the pool. If this occurs, call for service on your filter.
So how do you backwash? Follow these steps to ensure a proper backwash!
1. Turn the system off completely
2. Make sure the backwash hose is rolled out. If the waste line is hard piped, you don’t need to worry about this step.
3. Turn the multiport valve (the handle) to backwash
4. Turn the system back on. You will be able to see dirty water and debris being discharged through the clear glass or backwash hose. Water will move relatively quickly. Let run till the water coming out of the hose runs clear.
5. Turn system back off
6. Turn multiport back to filter
7. Turn the system on
- Repeat steps 1-7 to ensure proper discharge of dirty D.E. Then add D.E. to skimmer, once satisfied a through backwash has occurred.
8. Confirm suction on skimmer is good, then add 5-6lb. DE into skimmer (we applicable).
Note: 1 Dog = 30 people swimming in a pool. You don’t even want to know about ducks.